Your First Behind The Wheel Training in AP Driving California

Good driving instructors wish the best for their students. They are trained to teach students how to steer a vehicle safely, and how to manage situations on the road. Teenagers who are ready to take on the responsibility of driving a car should look forward to their first behind-the-wheel training with AP Driving School in California. There are many driving schools in California and AP Driving is one of the best when it comes to Behind The Wheel Driving experience. With the help of a good driving school, it brings out the best in their instructors and teaches them essential skills and attitudes in driving.


Are you ready?

It’s very likely your instructor will drive by to pick you up. AP Driving offers free pick up service in every package. Once you are in the passenger seat, the instructor will ask if you have the necessary paperwork—the instruction permit. A pair of sunglasses would be handy if the sun is shining brightly. A keen instructor would check on the shoes you are wearing to ensure you’ll be comfortable behind the wheel. Lastly, you’d be asked to turn off your smartphone. It won’t be ideal to have too many distractions once you start the engine and assume the roles of a driver. It is easy to be excited and nervous at the same time. Remember to relax so you can focus on what is ahead.


Preparing to head out

You should settle comfortably and try to relax once you’re given the privilege to sit behind the steering wheel. Before you are allowed to start the engine your AP Driving instructor will make sure your seat is calibrated perfectly. Remember that you can’t drive off without wearing a seat belt. That goes for your passenger, too so make sure seatbelts are fastened securely. Before rolling out, you are expected to check the mirrors and survey the scene in front of you. It will take a few minutes to get a feel for the training car so a drive around the block will be your first task. It might sound easy but there are times teenagers are scared to do this simple task. It is very important to have a professional and patient driver at your side.  As you go about the manoeuvres the instructor will take note of your driving skills.

Basic controls check

Once you are in control of the vehicle, you can expect a calm but authoritative series of directions from the instructor. The essential skills to learn and remember includes when to use the brake and the gas pedals. You will also receive instruction on when to turn the steering wheel to the right and to the left. You must be competent in turning either way. Aside from paying attention to the steering wheel and the vehicle itself, you must pay attention to the turn signals as well. As you encounter other vehicles on the road, you will learn avoidance techniques. The instructor will also teach you efficient visual search so that you can anticipate a situation as it unfolds. At this time, the instructor will take note of your skills, your ability to follow instructions, and capacity to learn and retain information. It may sound serious and stringent but make no mistake. You don’t have to spend the first few minutes of behind-the-wheel training with a poker face. Relax, take it all in, and enjoy the time you are spending with a mentor. Driving instructors are teachers with a strict program, but they also know how to communicate amicably and have fun.


Focus, Awareness, Attention

While it is not a crime to have a laugh with the driving instructor, it goes without saying that you need to focus. AP Driving instructors are friendly and fun. You don’t have to be tense, but you must be aware of what is going on around you all the time. Aside from the controls and instruments, you must check the mirrors, the immediate environment where you are, and pay attention to the cues given by your instructor. Close calls could happen, but you can avoid potentially dangerous situations if you concentrate. There’d be plenty to think about. You have to check intersections and respond. You’d be communicating with other drivers and react to their actions. Don’t dare to evade instruction or run the red light even if you are feeling confident. Your instruction is not limited to learning driving skills. Your instructor is teaching your good manners and traffic regulations as well.


Mental and physical preparation

Bear in mind that you must be present body and soul when taking a behind-the-wheel lesson. Your first lesson could last anywhere from 90 minutes to a couple of hours. You won’t be able to perform well if you are tired and irritable. Sleep early, keep a positive outlook and make a conscious decision to follow your driving instructor.


AP Driving School is one of the best in California. All driving instructors are patient and professionals. You can be assured that your first behind the wheel training is memorable and fun.

Prepare For Your Behind The Wheel Test

One of the most important steps when acquiring a driving license is taking Behind the Wheel test and passing it. When the time has come to take your behind the wheel test you must be prepared for it. The truth is, most people fail it. Although you can do a retake, would it be nice to pass the test with just one try? If getting a driver’s license is important to you, there are things you absolutely need to do to pass the challenge. Like other tests, you need to prepare for the behind-the-wheel test. What must you do to pass it with flying colors? Here are some ways to prepare for this driving test.


Logging the necessary hours

As the old adage says “Practice Makes Perfect”. To learn the necessary skills and boost your confidence you must log plenty of hours behind the wheel. You need to ace the various areas of driving, and so you have to practice every skill you are expected to perform in the actual test. Teenagers are quite busy with studies, after-school activities, and hobbies. Every activity that they are pursuing is done with passion. If you are one of the busiest teenagers around, you have to allot time to practice driving. Your goal is to pass the test at the first try. A road test can be quite daunting, but if you are confident with your skills it won’t be as hard as you think. The teat may include advance maneuvers and other driving skills so practice doing them as well. Remember that there are skillset necessary to be allowed to drive.  After passing the test you’ll possess the privileges and responsibilities of a legitimate driver.



Preparing to adapt to situations

Aside from honing the needed skills set, enough practice could help in enhancing your adaptation skills. A good driver possesses the skills to maneuver and control a motor vehicle. A competent driver has the capability to adapt to any situation, the road and its other occupants present. Adaptation is both physical and mental. Your capacity to adapt will be tested every time you are behind the wheel.

As a novice driver, you will face the first real trial for your adaptive skills during the road test. It would be beneficial if you practice driving on country roads and city roads before the day itself. You will develop adaptive skills if you practice driving in various weather conditions. Set out not only during the daytime but at night as well, but make sure you have someone with you especially when you are going beyond your comfort zone. There are quite a number of situations that can test your driving skills.


Keeping it cool under pressure

Driving a vehicle on a busy street can take its toll. You could become tired and stressed. You might encounter unfamiliar situations and potentially scary scenarios that fray your nerves. This includes driving under harsh weather. Fatigue, stress, and anxiety could arise during the road test. Once you accept the possibility that they could happen, you have to prepare for them/


While it may be impossible to avoid these situations altogether, you can prepare yourself mentally so that you can function fully even when they arise. Potentially paralyzing situations could freeze your reactions, and this puts you in danger. You’ll be risking the wellbeing of other motorists and pedestrians on the road as well. Being strong mentally would help you react with less stress and anxiety. During your practice drives, remember to focus on the moment, and to allow your body and mind to respond to any situation. Trust in your training, and in the skills, you have developed in driving school. You will rise above any obstacle without fear and anxiety. Refuse to let the situation get the better of you.

Remembering the basics during the test

Young drivers make mistakes all the time. You can’t afford to make too many mistakes during the road test. To prepare for the behind-the-wheel test you must focus your attention on the requirements of the test. The instructors will be there to observe your actions and take note of your decisions. Make a list of adjustments you have to make at the start and memorize the sequence. Review traffic rules that you must obey, and take note of the speed limit—the maximum speed you can go in the area. Another important aspect of driving to remember is to brake safely and keep the prescribed distance between your vehicle and the one in front of you. The test will evaluate your skills, but the instructor will also take note of whether you are observing safety rules and regulations. Remember to check the mirrors for adequate spacing and to signal to other drivers when changing lanes.


You’ll be taking your behind-the-wheel test in a few days. Make a checklist and be prepared!

Attend the Best Behind-the-Wheel Driving School in California

Behind-the-wheel training would make you a competent and safe driver. That’s all you need to be. Your journey should begin with a competent instructor at your side. Your goal at this time is to past the exam so that you can get a professional driver license, right? That’s just fine. But, you must also appreciate the long-term benefits of receiving formal driving lessons. These lessons are given by professionals and accredited driving school in your area. There are several factors to consider when choosing a driving school. It is not as easy as getting a brochure and signing up.

What can you gain from attending the best driving school in California?


A safe driver for a lifetime

Some reports would say there is a car crash is happening every few seconds or so. According to the survey, accidents happen due to driver’s error.  This is not as improbable as it seems. After all, billions of people around the world are driving and using the road every second of the day. Of these numbers, how many people are driving safely and observing traffic rules and regulations? There would always be someone who is careless and reckless—a drunk driver behind the steering wheel of a ten-wheeler truck; a distracted driver texting while maneuvering through city traffic. If more people who drive have developed safe driving habits, perhaps the number of fatalities in road crashes would decrease dramatically. If only. You don’t have to be part of the statistic, and the passengers you will ferry should be able to rely on you to transport them safely.


Learn to be responsible from the best school in town

A driving school education from the very best instructors in the industry would transform you as an individual. While you can learn how to drive from a YouTube video, you’d need the guidance of someone with experience; someone who has the right attitude about driving. Getting behind the wheel is quite different from sitting behind an imagined vehicle. You’d be part of the hustle and bustle of everyday traffic. You will interact with other drivers—some experienced, others not as skilled, and you must respond accordingly. Indeed, the driving experience you will gain from behind-the-wheel training would be invaluable.

Gain driving experience under the supervision of a professional

Technical driving skills may not be included in a driving lesson where a family friend or relative is teaching you the ropes. If you want to be a competent driver with all the necessary skills, it would be smart to invest time and money in an approved program.

If you want to be a great soccer player wouldn’t you pay an experienced coach to help you achieve your dream? Everyone must have the same attitude towards driver education. Since the action of driving a vehicle always involves risks to property and lives, it only makes sense to invest in an accredited program that offers comprehensive skills training. One day, it would make a difference that a person learned to drive from a certified training instructor. In that situation, the decision a driver makes could spell the difference between life and death. Receiving training from a certified driving school could save your life one day.

Several quality hours behind the wheel

An excellent driving school in California offers a comprehensive experience under the supervision of an instructor. With their help, you can practice the skills you need to drive and park a vehicle. If you have difficulty with a particular skill, then you can work out the kinks with your instructor. There may be times when the situation calls for a daunting maneuver that you would not dare try to perform alone. If you are alone, or just relying on a book or video to see you through you might freeze. The worst-case scenario is that you become a traffic accident statistic yourself. Having an instructor who has advanced skill, knowledge, and a mature attitude about driving would be ideal for a young driver like yourself.

Find lessons appropriate to your needs

Now that you have a new insight into how formal instruction can be beneficial, it is time to look for a good driving school. Don’t settle for anything less than the best in the state. You can ask around for available lessons and curricula, and perhaps you can inquire if specific lessons are available. A driver’s education program that is comprehensive and accredited would also teach students about traffic laws and vehicle troubleshooting. These programs would teach you how to be a competent user of our nation’s highways and byways.

Before you drive by yourself for the first time you’d want to have the right attitude and the necessary skills to maneuver your car through traffic. You can start learning these skills today by enrolling in a good driving school.

Join Behind the Wheel Driving Lessons with AP Driving

Most adults in the United States drive to work every day. Students with a driver’s license do the same, and many teenagers are keen on enjoying the privilege. Driving is a set of complex skills that require attention, along with an awareness of the risks involved. It is a serious business that shouldn’t be taken for granted. Knowing how to drive professionally will make everyone feel secure. It’s not the same as riding a bike. A bicycle has two wheels and does not occupy as much space on the road as a vehicle with four wheels. The speeds a car can achieve could be lethal. The best way to learn how to drive is to experience it and to have proper instruction from trained professionals.

There are a lot of driving schools competing for the attention of parents and their teen child who wants to get a driver’s license. The best school should provide a behind the wheel training experience that not only helps them acquire a license but also a responsible road user. AP Driving offers the best behind the wheel driving lessons in town. What are the benefits of enrolling in AP Driving?


Receive lessons from highly trained professionals

Anyone can learn how to ride a bicycle. This is not true with driving a car. Learning how to drive systematically is the best way to develop the necessary skills and the right behavior on the road. The essentials of driving a vehicle can be taught to a teenager by anyone who knows how to drive. But, learning these skills from a driving school gives a young person a huge advantage. The curriculum of AP driving school curriculum cover skills other than the essentials of piloting a motor vehicle. This driving school offer lessons on traffic rules and regulations, basic vehicle troubleshooting, and may even provide assistance to new drivers who are trying to gain a license to drive.


Learn specific driving skills from certified training instructors

Behind-the-wheel lessons develop a number of skills and improve the confidence of a young driver. Many traffic accidents are caused by driver error and lack of skill. The instructors from AP driving school make sure to provide the experience a new driver would learn from. Mastery of specific skills is the end goal of driving programs. Driving skills, parking methods, and maneuvering techniques in different road conditions some of the specific skills included in the teaching program. A free online driver’s ed is also included in the driving packages offered by the school.

Develop a keen sense of road safety with formal instruction

Keen attention to road safety. Perhaps, this one of the most important benefits of receiving behind-the-wheel training at a driving school. Students are drilled by their instructors to hone their defensive driving skills. In addition, they are given adequate guidance so that they can avoid deadly mistakes. Under the supervision of qualified instructors, new drivers are alerted to situations that could possibly cause an accident on the road. By knowing how to prevent the worst from happening, a new driver’s actions could end up saving many lives. By enrolling in AP Driving School, one can learn the discipline of learning how to drive safely and responsibly.


Observe traffic rules and driving etiquette

Disregard for traffic rules and regulations is one of the common causes of road mishaps. Driving school instructors would always remind their students to observe these laws. If a family friend or relative is on the instructor’s seat, the importance of traffic laws may not be given a similar emphasis. The habit of abiding by traffic rules would serve any driver well as they gain more experience driving by themselves. It has been shown in studies that driver training programs help decrease the number of fatal crashes.

Driving etiquette is a key component of formal training. When you are on the road you are sharing the space with other drivers and pedestrians. Sometimes, domestic animals and wildlife would be part of the equation. Moreover, there are various infrastructures to watch out for. On top of existing traffic laws, a good driver should observe driving etiquette, and save oneself from the hassles and dangers of road rage. AP Driving offers free online ed course with driving package of your choice.

Learn useful skills on vehicle troubleshooting and maintenance

Would informal instruction give you the means to know if a car has an engine problem? Maybe not. An added bonus for students under formal driver training is the inclusion of lessons on vehicle maintenance. If you have a new car wouldn’t you want to know how it works? You can have bragging rights if you can identify the things under the hood of your car. Your gang would think more highly of you if you can get a car that wouldn’t start the needed boost. By enrolling in a driving school like AP Driving that offers behind-the-wheel training, a new driver develops many skills.

Confidence on the road

If you have a certification that says you have completed a driving course, wouldn’t you feel more confident? It would make sense that someone with hours of behind-the-wheel lessons, under the mentorship of a professional, can be considered a well-rounded driver. The hard work you have invested would give you the confidence you need to roll out without anyone giving you guidance.

Experience an Extensive Behind-the-Wheel Class at AP Driving

Once you hit the age of 15 or 16, the search for a good driving school begins. You are young, inspired, motivated, and ready to meet the challenges of the road. This is a great time to grab the chance to get proper driving instruction. Not all driving school are created equal. In fact, it is not about just choosing any school in your area. There are things to consider. The number one your checklist list is the experience that will be offered by the driving school of your choice. AP Driving School found in California offers the best behind the wheel training experience for both adults and teens who want to learn how to drive professionally. Here are the best practices of behind the wheel training.


Preparation to get a driver’s license

What is the best course of action for teenagers who are keen on being prepared when they get a driving license? AP driving school can be your best ally in this quest. Good quality training is available in California if you pick the best driving school in the business.

There are many lessons to learn and skills to develop before you can drive a car legally and safely. Don’t fret too much about that. You’d be surprised at what kind of instruction is available for you out there. Usually, teen sessions are available for youngsters aged 17 and younger. AP Driving school is better compared to others because they customize the program for each of their clients. There are packages available for whatever kind of driver you are – beginner, intermediate and advanced. Each of the driving is affordable and complete with features like free online ed course.


Enroll in a competent driving school -AP Driving

Perhaps you have been waiting eagerly for the day to come—the day when you can drive a car all by yourself. Fortunately, the people who can help you make that wish possible is just around. AP Driving School is the choice of parents who want their child to succeed in driving. There is a driving instructor available in your area. Remember that a good driving school should have a number of available courses specifically for teens. This is, in fact, the expertise of AP Driving School.

It is important to recognize the necessity of undergoing instruction at an accredited school like AP Driving. A reputable company offering instruction that improves road safety is the one you need. The school is reliable in all aspects and certified by the DMV.


Updated and relevant instruction

Comprehensive lessons given by competent teachers should give you all that you need to find your way around safely. Driving instructors provide relevant and updated instruction that you can use in real life. Techniques on weaving through traffic are part of the curriculum, of course. To remain relevant, good driving instructors undergo periodic training themselves and get a certification as required.

Instructors with plenty of experience will be able to explain and demonstrate how to maneuver safely along freeways and narrow alleys alike. Aside from foundation skills, instructors help young students learn specific behaviors. Good instruction includes nurturing of the right attitudes and qualities of responsible drivers. Late-model training cars are featured in the courses to ensure that young drivers will be ready for the real world.

AP Driving School has the best professional instructors in the area. They are all patient and willing to take the extra mile for the student to learn and become the best driver.

Behind-the-Wheel driving lessons

Packages for teens are often sweetened with the inclusion of behind-the-wheel classes. Watch out for offers of 10 hours or more of behind-the-wheel training, which comes with DMV accompaniment. That would definitely come in handy. AP Driving as mentioned earlier offers every driving packages with free online ed classes.

In Behind-the-Wheel classes the lessons given by competent drivers are based on learning objectives. A typical course would consist of several sessions covering the city, rural, and even interstate driving. AP Driving offers Freeway instructors so that the driver can have a feel of freeway driving. AP Driving offer picks up from your home or school so that lessons could start without delay. The school accommodates flexible hours for the lessons. You can select the perfect time to take behind the wheel training.

The biggest advantage of a behind-the-wheel lesson with AP Driving is the 1:1 teacher-student ratio. The teacher’s attention is focused on you. A patient instructor behind the wheel is the ideal teacher for a teenager taking driving lessons for the first time. Experienced teachers can soothe the nerves of a slightly tense first-timer.

The requirement for completion specifies the number of minutes of observation as well as driving behind the wheel. In two months’ time, and with consistent attendance, a good student can expect to finish the course with flying colors. Extensive coverage of topics would give any new driver the confidence to take the streets on by themselves.


Choosing a driving school like AP Driving

There is no time to delay. You can get your license if you prepare by completing formal instruction. Do you want to experience behind-the-wheel instruction? It’s time to start browsing for a driving school, and it wouldn’t hurt if the school has won a few awards. Look for recognition from government institutions and consumer groups. Aside from having a good reputation, students of a good driving school could benefit from licensing assistance.

man holding steering wheel

Defensive Driving to Save Your Life

No doubt, being able to drive is fun. The freedom to go to places and to see new destinations can give happiness and fulfillment. However, having a license entails a whole new level of responsibility because as a driver, you are accountable to the lives of your passengers and the lives of the drivers around you.

Not everyone on the road is a responsible driver. Road accidents happen not only because of a driver’s error but because of other factors that might lead to a crash. For this reason, you need to equip yourself with driving techniques that ensure protection from all the possible hazards and collisions on the road. Being a defensive driver, do not expect others to be like you in terms of actions and decision making on the road. Learn to trust no one but yourself. You are the only one that can protect yourself and your vehicle from the dangers on the road.

road accident

Many things are beyond our control when on the road. As a driver, learn how to master the techniques of defensive driving because this can save your life. The ultimate goal of defensive driving is creating a safety cushion around your car. It is like creating a safety bubble to protect from danger and collision each time.  Here are the essential techniques to start mastering the next time you hit the road. Being a defensive driver does not make you weak or uncool. It just significantly lowers your chances of getting into an accident.

Go for Zero Distractions

Defensive driving requires to stay focused on driving. Being one hundred percent focused on the road would mean zero distractions for the driver. There are things that could distract and remove your eyes from the road, even just for a few seconds. One distraction is the mobile phone. Pausing to answer a call or read a text message is dangerous. Watching videos while driving is just as risky. Driving apps can also ruin your driving focus. The best thing is to avoid using your mobile phone while driving. Stick to the old school radio for entertainment. Do not risk your life or anybody else’s life by answering an unimportant call.

man eating donut driving

Another popular cause of vehicular accidents has something to do with food. Eating or drinking while driving can be avoided. It is advisable to wait until you arrive at your destination before consuming your meal. Choose to dine in, drive-thru, or pull over to the side to finish that sandwich or drink that coffee. Remember, accidents can happen in seconds, and this could happen while you were fishing out for your French fries or putting ketchup over your burger.

Alertness is also an important factor when it comes to driving. Lack of sleep is a cause of concern and should not be taken lightly. Of course, everyone knows not to drink and drive. Better to have a designated driver when attending parties or if you are unable to get a good night’s sleep.

Keep a Safe Distance

Defensive driving is about keeping a safe distance from other cars on the streets to have a safety cushion should anything go wrong. The rule of the thumb in maintaining a safe distance is following a 3-second rule, especially on winding roads or difficult terrains. The trick is to count 3 seconds after a car passed by a particular landmark then count how many seconds for you to pass by the same marker. This is the safe distance on clear roads. In case the road is congested, you can follow the 1-second rule. Add another second if the road is congested together with rain or snow.

Aside from the 3 second rule, defensive driving encourages to always stay at the center of your lane. Check the traffic in front and behind to anticipate any threat or danger that comes your way. Look far ahead to predict what the car in front. In case of a pedestrian in the horizon, the car in front would slow down so hit the brakes early.

road rage woman driving

Stay Cool on the Road

There will be aggressive drivers around you. From those who will attempt to tailgate to those who will drive fast. Being a defensive driver would be challenging yourself to be relaxed and calm at all times. It is challenging to stay calm in a road rage situation, but going up against an angry driver is not worth your stress. If you are under this situation, remain calm and leave. Take deep breaths and drive as far and quickly from the livid driver. Cooler heads will prevail in road conflicts.

When an aggressive driver is too close behind, the best thing to do is let him pass. Slow down and signal the driver to overtake. If the aggressive driver can’t take a hint, turn on your hazard signal and stop safely on the side as soon as you can. It is essential to get rid of this speeding driver early on before problems occur.

woman wearing seatbelt

Safety Devices are a Must

Defensive driving promotes the use of devices that were invented to minimize injuries on the road in an event of a crash or a collision. Utilize these devices whenever you go out. One of the most necessary safety devices is the seatbelt which is the best tool in saving lives inside the vehicle. Airbags are additional safety and protection against impact. Do not forget to use car seats that are age-appropriate in case of children on board. All of these are meant to keep one safe while driving. Utilize them because they can make a difference between life or death.

Mirrors are one of the best safety devices invented for cars on the road. Glancing at your mirrors to check cars on your side or behind will aid in keeping as far away from any collisions. Learn to use the mirror and master glancing at them as often as possible.

Learn to Communicate with Other Cars

There are instances wherein collisions are caused by miscommunication between two cars. When on the road, it is not the same as communicating face to face with the driver. It is quite challenging because communication is done using your headlights or signal lights. Sometimes drivers get lazy and opt to skip the signal lights whenever they are about to make a turn. Unable to communicate with the car behind if you are planning to make a turn in the next corner would mean collision.

There are also other ways to communicate with other cars including car horn or blinking headlights a couple of times. During the day, communicate with other cars using hand gestures like a simple wave. Communication is key on the road. It is a great way to stay on the safe side.

car maintenance

Take Control of Your Vehicle

When it comes to road safety, one of the essential things is controlling the state and condition of your vehicle. It is the responsibility of the driver to have a well-conditioned car before driving it on the streets. Road safety departments of each state or county have a set of laws to ensure vehicle renewal. It means the vehicle has passed safety tests. Make it a point to regularly check your vehicle at least twice a year old car models. Before going on a long drive, check the brakes, engine, and wheels. Having a well-maintained car will keep everyone safe. It is best to invest in a car’s regular maintenance.

Top 5 Safe Driving Apps to Use

The world cannot ignore how technology changed and is continuously changing everyday lives. From connecting the world through social media apps to making lives convenient, technology has shaped actions and thinking. Although reliance on technology has so many undesirable effects, one cannot ignore the fact that technology has created so many things that help with daily ordinary tasks, One of which is driving.

Almost everyone owns a smartphone these days and there are thousands of applications to choose from. The apps out there are not all about just games and social connections, there are apps that are especially created to help roads become a safer place for drivers and passengers. There are basic apps that help maneuver traffic and provide directions and then there are also apps that enable and empower you to become a safe driver.

The use of mobile phones while driving is pointed out as one of the top reasons for road accidents and collisions. However, there are mobile apps that are created to help you become a better driver, without using or touching your screen. If you are curious about how mobile phone apps can help you get through your destinations safer, here are some of the more popular and highly rated ones out there.

Safedrive App

Safedrive is one of the most creative in the market when it comes to promoting road safety for drivers. The strategy of Safedrive is to reward drivers who do not use their mobile phones whenever they are operating their vehicle. It is a great app as it motivates and gives drivers another reason not to hold their mobile phone while driving, apart from safety of course.

How does this app work exactly? Safedrive app rewards drivers whenever they’re able to get from their starting location up to their destination without using their phones. No checking notifications, answering a call, tinkering with social media or sending an SMS. An anti distracted trip rewards drivers with points. Points can also be taken away from you once the app detects that you held and used your phone while still in transit.

The big question now is what can drivers do with these points? The points that you earn can be redeemed at partner establishments where you can get discounts for retail and dining. That’s right, you can get stuff for yourself by just being a disciplined driver. This is such a brilliant way of promoting road safety as the perks and discounts give drivers a reason to just concentrate on the road and not on their mobile phones.


When you ask drivers why they use their mobile phones while driving, one of the common answers is that they just need to read or respond to a very important SMS or email. This is a very common excuse because of today’s traffic and car volume on the road, it takes commuters so much time to get to their destination.

Workers are tempted to touch their mobile phones because of a very important email or call that they are expected and required to respond to immediately. Parents can no longer wait to come to a complete stop when they see their child calling as it might be an emergency. Drivers who use their mobile phones would simply tell you that they are left with no choice but to take their eyes off from the road because of these instances.

Drive is one great solution to these things as it helps eliminate texting and reading emails from drivers as the app itself will be the one to read them out loud for you. What it does is that the moment you receive a message, the app will read out loud these messages for you without the need for you to glance at your phone. The users of the app are pleased that it reads messages in a natural way and not the usual robotic voice. It also understands some difficult acronyms such as BRB (be right back) or LOL (laugh out loud). An add-on to the Drive app is that you can also create an auto-response and set it in such a way that it will forward your message to the message sender. For example, it can automatically send a “driving, talk to you later” to all those who text or email you while you’re on the road.

The app ensures that you have your eyes on the road at all times and it also allows you to stay connected even if you’re on your commute. Others would complain that they miss out on a lot of things as they spend so many hours unreachable whenever they are on the road and driving. With Drive, you will no longer miss out on anything. Best of all, it is so easy and convenient to use. Simply turn the ON button when you open the app to activate the read-out-loud the moment you start driving.

Driving 101

Driving 101 App is unlike the usual driving safety apps out there so it deserves to be given some spotlight. This app is all about giving you knowledge. There are so many things to remember and so many concepts to take heart when you want to master defensive driving. This app helps provide all the information you need on the road such as safety practices across different road conditions, defensive driving methods, emergency vehicle tips, and plenty more.

Driving 101 is created as a one-stop news feed for everything about driving safety. If you are one of those drivers out there who’ve been driving for years, it would be best to brush up on road safety tips every once in a while just to refresh your memory or emphasize what you already know. Driving 101 is the best refresher app. There is plenty of information in Driving 101 that you may also be learning and reading for the first time.

Rather than paying for a refresher course online to improve your knowledge about defensive driving, you can just download this app which also provides tips and up-to-date information on a daily basis. The information and write-ups are helpful and very interesting – some of the favorites include essential items needed in a car, tips on how to choose an auto repair shop for your car maintenance, and how to recover when you are in a skid during winter.


iOnRoad app is one of the most impressive and most advanced driving safety apps today. It has been downloaded so many times and has received multiple awards. iOnRoad is basically an app that turns your smartphone into a collision-avoidance system. You know how high-end cars have functions such as motion detections that aid the driver when parking? These expensive cars also have collision avoidance systems that come with the hefty amount you pay for. With iOnRoad, even the entry-level vehicles can have access to collision avoidance technology.

To utilize iOnRoad, you would need to mount your mobile phone into your dashboard so the phone has the view of the road ahead. It uses augmented reality and uses your phone camera to see what is right in front of you. As you drive, the app captures what it sees live and calculates whatever information you have (including your car speed!) and alerts you if you are close to colliding. With this help of the app, you can hit the brakes in time as it will calculate everything and will tell you if you are too close. It warns you to slow down if you are speeding through audio and visual alerts.

Another impressive thing about iOnRoad is that it also monitors your vehicle’s alignment. It is able to detect if you are slowly getting off your lane, even if you don’t notice it. This happens if you get distracted or start to feel sleepy. As an additional feature, iOnRoad is able to detect speed signs as you pass them on the road. It can help you avoid that dreaded speeding ticket as the app will warn you if you are faster than the limit.

TrueMotion Family Safe Driving

TrueMotion app targets the parents, especially those with teens who have just started driving. It is an app that will allow you to see your whole family’s driving information and safety. This is every parent’s best friend as it will let you know the current location of your family member whenever they are on the road and if they have arrived safely to their destination. It will also inform you which road they’ve taken to get there. The best feature of this app is that it will give you data if your child has used their mobile phone while driving, as well as information on their vehicle’s speed and more. It’s like having eyes and insight on your child’s driving even when you’re not with them inside the vehicle.

You can invite other family members and even friends to your app family. The app also provides scores and rankings based on each member’s performance so you will know who the poor performers are and can do something about it. This app can help improve the driving of your “low performing” members. You can get the chance to mentor and reorient them on road and driving safety until you see their scores improve.