Driving Instructor Student Car Keys

Tips Before Taking A Behind the Wheel Test – AP Driving School

Are you ready to take the wheel? If you’ve answered yese, then prepare yourself for driving test with AP Driving. We are one of the finest driving schools in California with experienced instructors, affordable payment plans, and free online drivers education program.

What do I need for a behind-the-wheel test?

The first criteria for the test is your age. The age limit to appear for the test differs from state to state. In the state of California, you are eligible to apply for a junior permit if you are 14 years old and you are eligible for a provisional license if you are 16 years old. You are allowed to apply for a driver’s license without a learner’s permit if you are 18 or older than that.

Some of the vital requirements that you must have to appear for the test are:

  • Social Security Number
  • $33 for the application fee
  • Certificate of Completion of Driver Education
  • Your passport or birth certificate or residence card
  • A completed Driver License application with the signature of your parents or guardian (not required if you are over 18)
  • Residential address proof like a utility bill, rental agreement, etc. (applicable only if you’re over 18)

The requirements for a California driver license is different from the documents required for a California Driver permit. Get in touch with us to learn more about the pre-requisites the services we’re offering.

Do you need an appointment for behind the wheel test?

Yes, you do. You can make an appointment for the test online on the official DMV page or make an appointment at one of the DMV offices.

Tips to pass a driving test

Our team of trained and highly-experienced instructors has achieved an enormous success rate in helping our students pass the DMV test in the very first attempt. We accomplish this by ensuring that the students are well-equipped with proper preparation, motivation, and tips to handle a variety of question that one may face during a DMV test.

Some of the important pointers to remember during a test are:

  • Be punctual and arrive at the test center 15 minutes beforehand
  • Take one last driving lesson with your instructor on the day of the test but before the test where you can clarify all your last-minute doubts with the instructor
  • On the previous evening, double check to see if your car is fully equipped as per the test standards and adequately categorize and file all the paperwork needed for test
  • Once you know your test center, practice on the roads around the test area to get an idea of the traffic and hazards that you may on the test day.

On behalf of our students, we take extraordinary measure to ensure that all of the above are well-taken care off, and we work precisely to help our students pass the DMV test with flying colors.

AP Driving is the #1 driving school in California to prepare you for your behind-the-wheel test. Get in touch with us to learn more.

Your First Behind The Wheel Training in AP Driving California

Good driving instructors wish the best for their students. They are trained to teach students how to steer a vehicle safely, and how to manage situations on the road. Teenagers who are ready to take on the responsibility of driving a car should look forward to their first behind-the-wheel training with AP Driving School in California. There are many driving schools in California and AP Driving is one of the best when it comes to Behind The Wheel Driving experience. With the help of a good driving school, it brings out the best in their instructors and teaches them essential skills and attitudes in driving.


Are you ready?

It’s very likely your instructor will drive by to pick you up. AP Driving offers free pick up service in every package. Once you are in the passenger seat, the instructor will ask if you have the necessary paperwork—the instruction permit. A pair of sunglasses would be handy if the sun is shining brightly. A keen instructor would check on the shoes you are wearing to ensure you’ll be comfortable behind the wheel. Lastly, you’d be asked to turn off your smartphone. It won’t be ideal to have too many distractions once you start the engine and assume the roles of a driver. It is easy to be excited and nervous at the same time. Remember to relax so you can focus on what is ahead.


Preparing to head out

You should settle comfortably and try to relax once you’re given the privilege to sit behind the steering wheel. Before you are allowed to start the engine your AP Driving instructor will make sure your seat is calibrated perfectly. Remember that you can’t drive off without wearing a seat belt. That goes for your passenger, too so make sure seatbelts are fastened securely. Before rolling out, you are expected to check the mirrors and survey the scene in front of you. It will take a few minutes to get a feel for the training car so a drive around the block will be your first task. It might sound easy but there are times teenagers are scared to do this simple task. It is very important to have a professional and patient driver at your side.  As you go about the manoeuvres the instructor will take note of your driving skills.

Basic controls check

Once you are in control of the vehicle, you can expect a calm but authoritative series of directions from the instructor. The essential skills to learn and remember includes when to use the brake and the gas pedals. You will also receive instruction on when to turn the steering wheel to the right and to the left. You must be competent in turning either way. Aside from paying attention to the steering wheel and the vehicle itself, you must pay attention to the turn signals as well. As you encounter other vehicles on the road, you will learn avoidance techniques. The instructor will also teach you efficient visual search so that you can anticipate a situation as it unfolds. At this time, the instructor will take note of your skills, your ability to follow instructions, and capacity to learn and retain information. It may sound serious and stringent but make no mistake. You don’t have to spend the first few minutes of behind-the-wheel training with a poker face. Relax, take it all in, and enjoy the time you are spending with a mentor. Driving instructors are teachers with a strict program, but they also know how to communicate amicably and have fun.


Focus, Awareness, Attention

While it is not a crime to have a laugh with the driving instructor, it goes without saying that you need to focus. AP Driving instructors are friendly and fun. You don’t have to be tense, but you must be aware of what is going on around you all the time. Aside from the controls and instruments, you must check the mirrors, the immediate environment where you are, and pay attention to the cues given by your instructor. Close calls could happen, but you can avoid potentially dangerous situations if you concentrate. There’d be plenty to think about. You have to check intersections and respond. You’d be communicating with other drivers and react to their actions. Don’t dare to evade instruction or run the red light even if you are feeling confident. Your instruction is not limited to learning driving skills. Your instructor is teaching your good manners and traffic regulations as well.


Mental and physical preparation

Bear in mind that you must be present body and soul when taking a behind-the-wheel lesson. Your first lesson could last anywhere from 90 minutes to a couple of hours. You won’t be able to perform well if you are tired and irritable. Sleep early, keep a positive outlook and make a conscious decision to follow your driving instructor.


AP Driving School is one of the best in California. All driving instructors are patient and professionals. You can be assured that your first behind the wheel training is memorable and fun.

Attend the Best Behind-the-Wheel Driving School in California

Behind-the-wheel training would make you a competent and safe driver. That’s all you need to be. Your journey should begin with a competent instructor at your side. Your goal at this time is to past the exam so that you can get a professional driver license, right? That’s just fine. But, you must also appreciate the long-term benefits of receiving formal driving lessons. These lessons are given by professionals and accredited driving school in your area. There are several factors to consider when choosing a driving school. It is not as easy as getting a brochure and signing up.

What can you gain from attending the best driving school in California?


A safe driver for a lifetime

Some reports would say there is a car crash is happening every few seconds or so. According to the survey, accidents happen due to driver’s error.  This is not as improbable as it seems. After all, billions of people around the world are driving and using the road every second of the day. Of these numbers, how many people are driving safely and observing traffic rules and regulations? There would always be someone who is careless and reckless—a drunk driver behind the steering wheel of a ten-wheeler truck; a distracted driver texting while maneuvering through city traffic. If more people who drive have developed safe driving habits, perhaps the number of fatalities in road crashes would decrease dramatically. If only. You don’t have to be part of the statistic, and the passengers you will ferry should be able to rely on you to transport them safely.


Learn to be responsible from the best school in town

A driving school education from the very best instructors in the industry would transform you as an individual. While you can learn how to drive from a YouTube video, you’d need the guidance of someone with experience; someone who has the right attitude about driving. Getting behind the wheel is quite different from sitting behind an imagined vehicle. You’d be part of the hustle and bustle of everyday traffic. You will interact with other drivers—some experienced, others not as skilled, and you must respond accordingly. Indeed, the driving experience you will gain from behind-the-wheel training would be invaluable.

Gain driving experience under the supervision of a professional

Technical driving skills may not be included in a driving lesson where a family friend or relative is teaching you the ropes. If you want to be a competent driver with all the necessary skills, it would be smart to invest time and money in an approved program.

If you want to be a great soccer player wouldn’t you pay an experienced coach to help you achieve your dream? Everyone must have the same attitude towards driver education. Since the action of driving a vehicle always involves risks to property and lives, it only makes sense to invest in an accredited program that offers comprehensive skills training. One day, it would make a difference that a person learned to drive from a certified training instructor. In that situation, the decision a driver makes could spell the difference between life and death. Receiving training from a certified driving school could save your life one day.

Several quality hours behind the wheel

An excellent driving school in California offers a comprehensive experience under the supervision of an instructor. With their help, you can practice the skills you need to drive and park a vehicle. If you have difficulty with a particular skill, then you can work out the kinks with your instructor. There may be times when the situation calls for a daunting maneuver that you would not dare try to perform alone. If you are alone, or just relying on a book or video to see you through you might freeze. The worst-case scenario is that you become a traffic accident statistic yourself. Having an instructor who has advanced skill, knowledge, and a mature attitude about driving would be ideal for a young driver like yourself.

Find lessons appropriate to your needs

Now that you have a new insight into how formal instruction can be beneficial, it is time to look for a good driving school. Don’t settle for anything less than the best in the state. You can ask around for available lessons and curricula, and perhaps you can inquire if specific lessons are available. A driver’s education program that is comprehensive and accredited would also teach students about traffic laws and vehicle troubleshooting. These programs would teach you how to be a competent user of our nation’s highways and byways.

Before you drive by yourself for the first time you’d want to have the right attitude and the necessary skills to maneuver your car through traffic. You can start learning these skills today by enrolling in a good driving school.

Join Behind the Wheel Driving Lessons with AP Driving

Most adults in the United States drive to work every day. Students with a driver’s license do the same, and many teenagers are keen on enjoying the privilege. Driving is a set of complex skills that require attention, along with an awareness of the risks involved. It is a serious business that shouldn’t be taken for granted. Knowing how to drive professionally will make everyone feel secure. It’s not the same as riding a bike. A bicycle has two wheels and does not occupy as much space on the road as a vehicle with four wheels. The speeds a car can achieve could be lethal. The best way to learn how to drive is to experience it and to have proper instruction from trained professionals.

There are a lot of driving schools competing for the attention of parents and their teen child who wants to get a driver’s license. The best school should provide a behind the wheel training experience that not only helps them acquire a license but also a responsible road user. AP Driving offers the best behind the wheel driving lessons in town. What are the benefits of enrolling in AP Driving?


Receive lessons from highly trained professionals

Anyone can learn how to ride a bicycle. This is not true with driving a car. Learning how to drive systematically is the best way to develop the necessary skills and the right behavior on the road. The essentials of driving a vehicle can be taught to a teenager by anyone who knows how to drive. But, learning these skills from a driving school gives a young person a huge advantage. The curriculum of AP driving school curriculum cover skills other than the essentials of piloting a motor vehicle. This driving school offer lessons on traffic rules and regulations, basic vehicle troubleshooting, and may even provide assistance to new drivers who are trying to gain a license to drive.


Learn specific driving skills from certified training instructors

Behind-the-wheel lessons develop a number of skills and improve the confidence of a young driver. Many traffic accidents are caused by driver error and lack of skill. The instructors from AP driving school make sure to provide the experience a new driver would learn from. Mastery of specific skills is the end goal of driving programs. Driving skills, parking methods, and maneuvering techniques in different road conditions some of the specific skills included in the teaching program. A free online driver’s ed is also included in the driving packages offered by the school.

Develop a keen sense of road safety with formal instruction

Keen attention to road safety. Perhaps, this one of the most important benefits of receiving behind-the-wheel training at a driving school. Students are drilled by their instructors to hone their defensive driving skills. In addition, they are given adequate guidance so that they can avoid deadly mistakes. Under the supervision of qualified instructors, new drivers are alerted to situations that could possibly cause an accident on the road. By knowing how to prevent the worst from happening, a new driver’s actions could end up saving many lives. By enrolling in AP Driving School, one can learn the discipline of learning how to drive safely and responsibly.


Observe traffic rules and driving etiquette

Disregard for traffic rules and regulations is one of the common causes of road mishaps. Driving school instructors would always remind their students to observe these laws. If a family friend or relative is on the instructor’s seat, the importance of traffic laws may not be given a similar emphasis. The habit of abiding by traffic rules would serve any driver well as they gain more experience driving by themselves. It has been shown in studies that driver training programs help decrease the number of fatal crashes.

Driving etiquette is a key component of formal training. When you are on the road you are sharing the space with other drivers and pedestrians. Sometimes, domestic animals and wildlife would be part of the equation. Moreover, there are various infrastructures to watch out for. On top of existing traffic laws, a good driver should observe driving etiquette, and save oneself from the hassles and dangers of road rage. AP Driving offers free online ed course with driving package of your choice.

Learn useful skills on vehicle troubleshooting and maintenance

Would informal instruction give you the means to know if a car has an engine problem? Maybe not. An added bonus for students under formal driver training is the inclusion of lessons on vehicle maintenance. If you have a new car wouldn’t you want to know how it works? You can have bragging rights if you can identify the things under the hood of your car. Your gang would think more highly of you if you can get a car that wouldn’t start the needed boost. By enrolling in a driving school like AP Driving that offers behind-the-wheel training, a new driver develops many skills.

Confidence on the road

If you have a certification that says you have completed a driving course, wouldn’t you feel more confident? It would make sense that someone with hours of behind-the-wheel lessons, under the mentorship of a professional, can be considered a well-rounded driver. The hard work you have invested would give you the confidence you need to roll out without anyone giving you guidance.

Experience an Extensive Behind-the-Wheel Class at AP Driving

Once you hit the age of 15 or 16, the search for a good driving school begins. You are young, inspired, motivated, and ready to meet the challenges of the road. This is a great time to grab the chance to get proper driving instruction. Not all driving school are created equal. In fact, it is not about just choosing any school in your area. There are things to consider. The number one your checklist list is the experience that will be offered by the driving school of your choice. AP Driving School found in California offers the best behind the wheel training experience for both adults and teens who want to learn how to drive professionally. Here are the best practices of behind the wheel training.


Preparation to get a driver’s license

What is the best course of action for teenagers who are keen on being prepared when they get a driving license? AP driving school can be your best ally in this quest. Good quality training is available in California if you pick the best driving school in the business.

There are many lessons to learn and skills to develop before you can drive a car legally and safely. Don’t fret too much about that. You’d be surprised at what kind of instruction is available for you out there. Usually, teen sessions are available for youngsters aged 17 and younger. AP Driving school is better compared to others because they customize the program for each of their clients. There are packages available for whatever kind of driver you are – beginner, intermediate and advanced. Each of the driving is affordable and complete with features like free online ed course.


Enroll in a competent driving school -AP Driving

Perhaps you have been waiting eagerly for the day to come—the day when you can drive a car all by yourself. Fortunately, the people who can help you make that wish possible is just around. AP Driving School is the choice of parents who want their child to succeed in driving. There is a driving instructor available in your area. Remember that a good driving school should have a number of available courses specifically for teens. This is, in fact, the expertise of AP Driving School.

It is important to recognize the necessity of undergoing instruction at an accredited school like AP Driving. A reputable company offering instruction that improves road safety is the one you need. The school is reliable in all aspects and certified by the DMV.


Updated and relevant instruction

Comprehensive lessons given by competent teachers should give you all that you need to find your way around safely. Driving instructors provide relevant and updated instruction that you can use in real life. Techniques on weaving through traffic are part of the curriculum, of course. To remain relevant, good driving instructors undergo periodic training themselves and get a certification as required.

Instructors with plenty of experience will be able to explain and demonstrate how to maneuver safely along freeways and narrow alleys alike. Aside from foundation skills, instructors help young students learn specific behaviors. Good instruction includes nurturing of the right attitudes and qualities of responsible drivers. Late-model training cars are featured in the courses to ensure that young drivers will be ready for the real world.

AP Driving School has the best professional instructors in the area. They are all patient and willing to take the extra mile for the student to learn and become the best driver.

Behind-the-Wheel driving lessons

Packages for teens are often sweetened with the inclusion of behind-the-wheel classes. Watch out for offers of 10 hours or more of behind-the-wheel training, which comes with DMV accompaniment. That would definitely come in handy. AP Driving as mentioned earlier offers every driving packages with free online ed classes.

In Behind-the-Wheel classes the lessons given by competent drivers are based on learning objectives. A typical course would consist of several sessions covering the city, rural, and even interstate driving. AP Driving offers Freeway instructors so that the driver can have a feel of freeway driving. AP Driving offer picks up from your home or school so that lessons could start without delay. The school accommodates flexible hours for the lessons. You can select the perfect time to take behind the wheel training.

The biggest advantage of a behind-the-wheel lesson with AP Driving is the 1:1 teacher-student ratio. The teacher’s attention is focused on you. A patient instructor behind the wheel is the ideal teacher for a teenager taking driving lessons for the first time. Experienced teachers can soothe the nerves of a slightly tense first-timer.

The requirement for completion specifies the number of minutes of observation as well as driving behind the wheel. In two months’ time, and with consistent attendance, a good student can expect to finish the course with flying colors. Extensive coverage of topics would give any new driver the confidence to take the streets on by themselves.


Choosing a driving school like AP Driving

There is no time to delay. You can get your license if you prepare by completing formal instruction. Do you want to experience behind-the-wheel instruction? It’s time to start browsing for a driving school, and it wouldn’t hurt if the school has won a few awards. Look for recognition from government institutions and consumer groups. Aside from having a good reputation, students of a good driving school could benefit from licensing assistance.

Driving Resources for New California Drivers

If you’re a parent, driving skills are a necessity to be able to drive your kids around especially if they need a ride to school or to the mall. When your kids reach a certain age,  you have to start thinking about letting them drive. If your teenager has not insisted on getting a driver’s license yet, you need to start encouraging them to start preparing at the earliest time. Having an extra person who can drive the family to places can be a big help. Tap your teenager to start doing some small errands the moment he starts driving.

Teenagers get excited and one of the most common things they look forward to is driving. If your teenager is not enthusiastic yet, you can probably start briefing him on the steps to get a driver’s license. Encourage your child about the freedom of being able to drive and go places anytime he wants. Start planning on a mini road trip for the whole family with him as a designated driver once he’s able to drive unsupervised.

As a parent, it is exciting to know your child is about to go through this big milestone in life. What you can do is to make sure that he gets all the proper training in the onset and of course, a lot of practice. But first, you need to be able to help him pass the DMV exam and the practical test before he can get his license.

All of these is overwhelming, especially if your own experience in getting a license has happened so many years ago. If you are unsure of where to start, what you can do first is to gather driving resources available out there. The internet is your best friend here as you can find everything you need online. The internet has so many resources but if you want to know what the quality ones are out there, here are some recommendations. Keep in mind that these are just five of the many driving resources online and there are plenty more.

Free Online Driver’s Ed Course (APDriving)

If your teenager is between the ages of 15 years and 6 months to 17 years and 6 months, California will require your child to complete a DMV-approved driver’s education course. This is a requirement for your teenager to get a provisional instruction permit. There are establishments that offer the education course in a classroom setting, similar to how it is in school but there are also companies like APDriving School that offers the whole driver’s ed course online. Your kid can finish this course in the comfort of your home where you can also supervise his lessons and progress.

AP Driving prides themselves as the home of the free driver’s education course as others would offer this for you at a cost. When your child takes this online course, he can learn at his own pace without any interference to his schedule. Teenagers are quite busy with school and extracurriculars so this is a great setup. Your child can access the course anytime anywhere even on his mobile phone.

AP Driving offers only the most updated and DMV approved course so you need not worry if they have the recent rules and regulations. Lessons are not only in the written form but also with videos and diagrams, making it more entertaining and interesting. The best thing is AP Driving guarantees a 100% passing rate for your kid when he reviews the lessons well.

DMV Handbook

It is impossible for one to get a driver’s license in California without picking up the DMV handbook. The California Driver Handbook is going to be your teen’s friend and companion as he starts the journey towards getting his license. This DMV handbook contains over 100 pages of all topics and information needed to operate a vehicle. It contains the basics as well as extensive information on rules of the road, traffic laws, and details that can help one stay safe out there on the road. Some of the other topics also cover parking rules and regulations, sharing the road, and special driving situations such as slippery roads and fog. It is available in a lot of languages such as Spanish, Chinese, Russian and many more.

Your teenager can start off by grabbing a copy of the DMV handbook. There are many ways to conveniently get a copy today. One is you can call the California DMV office during office hours and arrange for them to send you a hard copy to your address. If you think this would take quite some time, you can visit the DMV office directly and get your kid a copy so that he can start reviewing the manual as soon as it’s handed to him.

There is nothing unavailable online and the California driver handbook is not an exception. You can google the latest and most updated copy of the handbook, just ensure that you get the 2019 version. There are also apps available in both Android and iOS which allows you to read the pages in mobile phone format. Moreover, the apps also provide sample tests and interactive videos to help to review less boring for beginners.

DMV Website

The DMV website is one of the best places to check in order to get all the information you need to start driving. The website contains a guide on how you can apply for a driver’s license. You can read about the driver’s license classification that you apply to, the age requirements for California, identification requirements and additional requirements needed if, for example, you are under the age of 18 and so on. You can also read about the duration of the license here, as well as the fee. Once your teen gets his license, the DMV website is also a good source of information about license renewal and replacement if ever it gets lost or stolen.

The DMV website also has a lot of articles that promote healthy and safe driving that can be a great guide to your teen. There are tips especially written for teen drivers such as the need to wear seatbelts all the time, getting a sound sleep before driving, driving sober and of course, not using mobile phones. They also have in-depth writeups on the difference between aggressive and defensive driving. California DMV is hoping that new drivers are to develop into defensive drivers so that roads would stay safe and accident-free.

California Government Websites

Other government websites are also good resources for first-time drivers as they supplement the DMV handbook in so many ways. For example, you can check the current statistics on teen driving and distracted driving fatalities from the California police department website. You can share these statistics with your teen not to intimidate him but to emphasize the importance of road safety and the responsibility of having a license.

There are also plenty of online videos available in government websites that you can orient your teen with. Some show infomercials about getting pulled over and what to do when apprehended for drinking. Videos about how seatbelts can save lives and how to specifically buckle up children passengers are great materials for first-time drivers. There are also videos that show how drivers can endanger their lives and of their passengers when they take their eyes off the road to send an SMS. Some of the more popular materials from government websites discuss the concepts of keeping a safe distance from other vehicles, attitude on the road, and proper car maintenance.

There are plenty of materials that you can study together with your teen driver as you prepare him to drive. Patiently discuss these details with him and encourage him to check these collections from government websites as they are verified resources.

California Car Laws Website

Websites such as the CaliforniaCarLaws is also a good source for new drivers as it has information on car-related laws of California. Although it is not an official government website, they summarize all the rules and regulations that you should know in layman’s term. This is perfect for teens as the laws are explained simply for quick and easy reference. It can also be helpful for parents as it is good to brush up on the existing laws every once in a while, in order to refresh your memory.

The website has details on laws that you may not even think exists but is important. For example, it identifies the height that is allowed when you want to modify your bumper height. They also explain the law that requires you to move over or step aside when there are emergency response vehicles flashing emergency lights with you on the road. There are also laws on the use of headlights and hazard lights that are detailed in this website.

There are also California novice driver laws in place that parents should also be aware of. The website also gives a summary of laws concerning distracted driving. Those under the age of 18, for example, cannot use their mobile phones anytime anywhere, even with a hands-free system.

Guide on California DMV Exam

There is nothing more exciting than learning how to drive. The fact that you can go out on your own and without the help of your parents or friends to take you places can make you a feel like a full-fledged adult. Just imagine the places you can go and see and the exciting road trips ahead. The sky is the limit when it comes to your destinations.

Before you start daydreaming and planning your trips, you need to make sure you focus on one thing first, getting your driver’s license. The dreaded part of the test is probably the practical exam which is the actual driving but before that, you need to ace the DMV exam.

In the state of California, the DMV test consists of 46 questions, only 38 of which you need to answer correctly. In short, you need 83 percent to pass with flying colors. The DMV test sounds nerve-wracking but it would help if you have the full details about the test you need to hurdle.

What to Study?

Road Signs

It is guaranteed that questions about important road signs will appear in the DMV exam. As a driver, you must be able to know the meaning when you see an inverted red triangle or when you see broken white lines down the road. There are plenty of road signs and it is important to know them all as for sure, you would encounter all of them in the future. Memorize the meaning of different signs and colors that you will see on the road, as well as different markings on the pavement. It would be easy to ace this DMV test when you can interpret all the road signs out there.

Road Laws

Aside from signs, the meat of the DMV exam would be about the laws that you would need to know by heart if you are going to be issued a driver’s license. You need to know how the state of California punishes those who disobey the driving laws, an example of which is the distracted driving law. You know that you are not allowed to call and text while driving but when caught, what are the state’s punishments for the drivers? What are the consequences of your actions when you are caught several times?

There are also laws that you need to remember when it comes to child safety. Even if you are not a parent, you should know what the requirements for children are if in case you will be having kids as passengers. Knowing all these laws will help you drive safely and help you avoid running into authorities as soon as you go out.

Speed Limits

There are varying speed limits when it comes to different places and areas. For example, within a school zone, you should know how fast the law allows you to when passing through child-prone areas. Speeding is one of the most common traffic violations as people sometimes do not know how they are supposed to slow down whenever they are in a residential area or when entering a tunnel so be prepared as you are going to be asked about this.

How to Share the Road

When you are out there on the road, you encounter motorists like you as well as pedestrians and those who are driving a motorcycle, a truck or other types of automobiles. You can expect that the test will ask who the right of way is in most cases that you will encounter them in the road. Questions like how far should you be when you are trailing varying types of vehicles such as a truck or a motorcycle will be asked.

Driving in Different Weather

You will not always be driving in a perfect condition. Although bright and sunny is the most ideal driving weather, you will not always have it this easy. When you are in transit, you can experience changing weather when going from one state to another. You might be surprised at how dynamics change when you are suddenly encountering a snow storm on the way to your destination. You are expected to know how to handle your vehicle whenever you are in a snowy road or in a flood. You can encounter questions about how to handle your vehicle in extremely bad weather such as a thunderstorm or a tornado. Even if you live in sunny California, you should be ready and knowledgeable about all weather types.

Tips to Pass the DMV Test

There are just so many topics covered when it comes to driving and 46 questions is not that many. However, you cannot expect the DMV exam to be easy as the state ensures that all drivers out there are well trained and knowledgeable to drive. The DMV test do not have to be so intimating to someone who is well prepared. Here are some additional tips for you in order to ace the DMV test, especially if your exam is just around the corner.

Read the Manual

This cannot be emphasized enough, you need to thoroughly master the DMV handbook if you want your license in no time. In preparing for any exam, all you need to do to make sure you pass is you read, study and understand. Read everything the book has to offer and make sure you do not miss anything. Expect that you will be asked at least one questions from different topics of the handbook so do not skip an entire chapter or section. Do not just scan through the many pages and choose to review the ones that you think would most likely be asked. Aside from the purpose of passing the exam, the manual is created to ensure that all drivers out there are equipped with knowledge they need to operate a vehicle. Driving is a privilege and a responsibility. Only responsible and serious drivers should be allowed to take on the road.

Take Practice Tests

Aspiring drivers are lucky these days as they have the internet to help them pass the test. There are so many websites offering free DMV practice tests so you can gauge how well you remember the materials you’ve read and studied. Take the practice test seriously, as if you are doing the actual one. Time yourself so you know how fast you are able to take on the questions.

Since there are plenty of sites offering different types of practice tests, take as many as you can. If you get enough practice, the chances are you will encounter one of these questions in the actual exam and you will know how to answer them already.

Review Once Again and Retake the Practice Test

If you do not fare as well as you hope you would in practice tests, do not worry as that is what practice tests are for. It would even be better of you have plenty of errors early on as you usually remember these questions more and if you’re lucky, you would know how to answer them come real DMV exam. If you do not pass in any of the practice tests, you know that you are still not ready. Do not be disheartened and study again. Focus on the topics you have missed or do not remember. Read and reread the areas of the handbook that you find most difficult. Whenever you feel like you’re ready, take the practice tests again and for sure, you would fare better the next time around.

Ask your Friends about their Experience

Before the test, it would help a lot to hear from someone who actually took the DMV recently. Ask your friends who have recently taken the test and get tips from them as well. Their experience and encouragement can help build your confidence. If there are some other concerns that you do not read about online, now is the perfect time to clarify them.

Condition Yourself Before the Test

Right before an exam, you know that a well-conditioned body and mind can help you a lot. The night before, go to bed early so you will not have trouble staying awake when taking the test. A good night’s sleep will also help you think clearly and help you remember all the things you’ve reviewed. The morning of the exam, eat a heavy meal and indulge in your favorite morning drink. It is important to have a relaxed and calm mind before answering so you can think clearly and logically.

Be Confident

What gets to some exam takers is not the lack of knowledge or reviewing but nerves. The pressure of passing would sometimes interfere with your mind as you go through the questions. Some would even tend to have a mental block whenever they are pressured or stressed. Before entering the exam room, trust in your preparation. If you’ve reviewed hard, there’s no way for you to get a failing mark. Believe in yourself and confidently take on each question. Rely on your hard work and everything would turn out fine.

Do Not Be Afraid (or ashamed!) to Try Again

Failure to pass any test is disappointing and discouraging, especially since it would mean going back to the drawing board and starting all over. The DMV exam can be taken at a maximum of three times so those who do not make it the first time are lucky to be given 2 chances for retake. If you do not pass the first try, pick yourself up and do it over again. Study the material again and practice, practice, practice! It is embarrassing to fail but what’s more embarrassing if you fail three times so make the retake count. Focus on areas you know you did not fare well. Before the retake, ensure that you are ready so that you do not have to do it the third time.

Traffic Signs

Top 5 Traffic Violations in CA and How to Avoid Them

Traffic laws are set to ensure that individuals and families are always safe out there on the road. There are times when traffic rules and regulations are not followed, making it the reason for accidents and road mishaps. It is crucial that all who operate a vehicle has mastered road safety and traffic rules. For first time drivers, knowing these rules by heart is equally important as the driving itself.

If this will be your first time to drive, do not be intimidated on learning all these traffic rules as it is your responsibility as a driver. There are so many things to know but no matter how overwhelming they are, remember that each law is essential and you would need to know them even if you will not always encounter it daily. If in case that you will commit a traffic violation in the future, keep in mind that this will be a lesson learned along the way. A violation will remind you not to commit the same mistake again.

The state of California requires a mastery of road safety and regulations before you can be issued a license. It would be great to know the most common traffic violations committed in the state not only because it is vital to know them, but also so you will see how you can avoid committing them. Each state has a list of their common road violations, and they also might be similar to California’s list so read on to know about them. Cruising through California traffic will not be so bad if you know that you are not violating any laws on the road.




One of the most common violations, if not the most common in California and for the rest of the country is speeding. The speed limit is often violated because there are so many limits set across different types of roads and neighborhoods. For instance, there is a set maximum speed limit in freeways or main roads, but of course, the moment you enter into a village, the speed limit changes. There is also a different allowable driving speed near schools, churches, construction zones or populated communities. Of course, when you know all speed limits across different areas, you will find it easier to avoid a traffic violation.

California is such a vast state, and it would be so much fun to drive around especially if it’s your first time to get a license. You must note that whenever you go on a road trip, speed limits change in major highways or for instance, inroads that become winding and steep. Make sure you check all the speed limit signs that are seen on the roads. Of course, it helps that before going somewhere unfamiliar, read up on allowable speed limit so you can avoid the dreaded ticket.

Aside from staying alert on the road signs, memorize the speed limit in areas you will be driving to every day. This is the best way you can avoid the speeding ticket. Remember, California traffic violation tickets do not come cheap. You are to pay a hefty fine each time, especially if you have several tickets already. But the penalty should not be the leading cause of concern of course. It is essential to avoid speeding as it will help your life, your passenger’s, and everyone else with you on the road.   


Beating the Red Light

One of the most critical but most common traffic violations in California is beating the red light. It is extremely dangerous as beating the red light always happens in intersections and almost always results in car collisions. Some drivers also tend to speed up upon seeing the yellow traffic light in hopes of still getting across and the end up crossing the moment the light turns red, resulting in beating the red light.

It is effortless to avoid beating the red light. One of the ways to prevent this is to familiarize yourself with the traffic lights you encounter when you take the same roads every day. If you know that a particular traffic light immediately turns red after 20 seconds, slow down when you know the green light will soon turn yellow. If you are in unfamiliar territory, better slow down on intersections or ease off your accelerator even if the sun is still green, so you would not end up being caught in between the yellow and red traffic light.

In the split second that you are cruising and the light suddenly turns yellow, and you have a decision to speed up or stop, always be on the safe side and choose to stay. Being delayed for a few minutes to your destination is better than getting into an accident or getting a traffic ticket.



Would you believe that tailgating is one of the more common traffic violations in California? If you think that there is no such thing as driving too close, then think again. It is illegal to drive too close to a car in front of you for so many obvious reasons. The most apparent is that a sudden brake from the car in front of you would result in one or multiple collisions. California traffic encourages all drivers to practice the principles of defensive driving, one of which is to maintain a safe distance from the car in front of you. The recommended distance is around 5 seconds, enough time for you to react or brake safely just in case the vehicle in front of you suddenly stops.  

Unsafe Lane Change

Getting caught changing from one lane to the other inroads where this is not allowed warrants a traffic violation in California. This is one of the most common violations in the state which can easily be avoided. If not in an emergency, remember to stay on your lane and do not keep changing lanes because you are in a hurry. If the car in front of you is too slow, you can change lanes safely if the road permits you to.

Railroad Crossing Violations

Another common traffic violation is not doing a proper stop at a railroad crossing. You need to be a certain number of feet away and make a full stop to ensure safe passage. You would be amazed at how many violations there are because of the failure to know what must be done when there is a railroad sign. To avoid it, remember the basic – stop, look and listen before going across.

Student Driver Girl Holding Steering Wheel

What to Expect in a Driver’s Training Program?

There are so many reasons why one enrolls in a driver training school. The most common reason for enrolling is to know the basics, especially for first-time drivers. Aside from the basics, first-time drivers will get in-depth knowledge about everything concerning road and vehicle handling. More importantly, driver training would also include behind the wheels training and tutorial.

Another reason for enrolling in a driver’s training program is to reorient yourself with driving. This is important for those who have not driven for a long time and want to refresh their memory and skills on driving. Even if you knew how to drive before, enrolling in a driver training program will make sure you can still handle a vehicle is highly recommended. If you are also new in the country or just transferred from one state to another, you would want to enroll in a driver training school to orient yourself with rules and regulations of your new location.

Lastly, there are some students who undergo driver training to satisfy the requirements of a driving ticket. Some violations would require the driver to enroll in a training school to be able to hit the road again.  

Regardless of the reason to enroll in a driver training school, the goal is to finish the courses and the training backed with all the information when you are out there. The aim at the end of the day is to get that license and become a confident and safe driver. If you have absolutely no clue on what happens in a driver training school, this article is for your so read on.

You Will Master the Rules and Regulations

Driver training schools ensure that all their students are able to understand and follow all traffic rules and regulations, for their own safety and for all the people around them. It is guaranteed that you will know all the latest driving laws not only by the state but also throughout the whole country. Accidents can be avoided if all drivers know the roadway rules which include right-of-way. Lack of knowledge in this is attributed to a lot of major and minor collisions daily. Knowing the regulations on pedestrian safety and crosswalk traffic is also critical especially when driving around your local neighborhood. Lastly, when it comes to major thoroughfares, it is crucial to master the laws when it comes to intersection and roundabouts. You will be an expert when it comes to knowledge on allowable speed limits, railway track laws, and road safety across different road terrains and weather conditions.

You Will Conquer your Fears

Driving is intimidating especially for first-timers. A driver training school will help you just shake off these nerves and learn how to confidently take on any road, anytime. Driver’s education will ease you into driving and would allow you to conquer your fears one session at a time. Are you afraid to drive at night? Scared to pass through a major road or an expressway? It is normal to have those fears but driver training will make sure that you are skilled to go on out there on your own. Just wear a positive attitude each day as you learn your way slowly but surely.

You Will Ask Many Questions

In going to any type of school, the goal at the end of the day is to learn. If you are eager to learn, you will need to ask questions and in driver training, you are free to ask as many as you can. Do not be afraid to ask your trainer if there are things you do not clearly understand or there are rules that you want him to expound. When inside the vehicle, ask different scenarios and find out how to go about them just in case you will encounter that scenario in the future. The instructors will give you lots of encouragement and you will never be alone in this training. This is the perfect time to learn everything before you go on your own.

Behind the Wheel Driving Instructor

Step by Step Guide on How to Get a Driver’s License in California

What makes knowing how to drive so enticing? The fact is, driving on your own can be equated to freedom. Think of all the places you can go and all the endless road trips you can take when you know how to drive. It would be awesome when you would never have to depend on others to go from one place to another. When you know how to drive, you can forever say goodbye to cab fares, you can go out any time of the day to do errands, and you can impress everyone with your independence. Plain and simple – driving is just fun and enjoyable!  

Getting a license is something you want to earn because it is important for road drivers to be responsible and capable. Securing a California driver’s license may be a bit overwhelming because of the many things you need to do and accomplish. However, this is the process to be done in order to gain that much-awaited freedom so applying for a license is pretty exciting. If you are already set in driving but are not sure how and where to start, all you need to do is read on. Here is a perfect guide for you if you want to find out how to get a California driver’s license.

Step 1: It All Starts with a Drivers Educational Course

In the state of California, people as young as 15 years and 6 months old can already enroll in a drivers education course. This education course is highly recommended for all beginners because they will give information on road and driving – from traffic rules, road signals, and driving laws. The DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) require around 30 hours of instruction in a licensed educational driving school. If you are 17 and half years and older, the course is not required but it is still recommended especially if you have absolutely zero knowledge about cars or the road.  After the educational course, you will be receiving a certificate which you will present on your visit to the DMV.



Step 2: Review the Driver’s Bible – the California Driver’s Handbook

Before you schedule your appointment to the DMV, make sure you are prepared to ace that written exam. Thankfully, the internet provides a copy of the driver’s handbook which you can read and reread until you know it by heart. There are also numerous websites offering practice tests, classified from easy to hard questions. What’s great about these online courses is you get to practice at your own pace, at your own convenience. Don’t be afraid if you get low scores in the practice exams online as you will get learnings from these errors. AP Driving offers free driver’s ed course complete with videos and diagrams.

Step 3: Go for a Visit to the DMV

Once you feel confident enough to take that test at the DMV, schedule an appointment. Fill out and print a DL 44 form also prior to visiting. This would need this to be signed by your parents or guardians for those under 18. Do not forget to bring your birth certificate, your certificate of educational course completion, your proof of social security number and proof of residency in California. You have your thumbprint and photo taken during your visit. Pay $33 as application fee before you proceed with the tests.



Step 4: Pass the Vision and Written Test

You need good eyesight to operate a vehicle, most especially at night. If you pass the vision test, then you are one step closer to getting a learner’s permit. Now comes the written test. This should come easily if you’ve had a lot of practice and you know the handbook by heart. Once you ace both these tests, congratulations because you can get a learner’s permit.





Step 5: You Have the Learners Permit, Now What?

If you’ve noticed, everything you know about driving is all about concepts and theories. It is one thing to know every rule on the road and another to actually be out there and operating a vehicle. This is now the perfect time to practice and hone your skills to make you confident out there. Before taking a road exam, you need to be able to get at least 50 hours of training with a qualified licensed driver with you at all times.

You have 50 hours to practice in the next 6 months, 10 of these 50 hours must be driving during nighttime. The law also requires that you also finish 6 hours of training with a professional instructor. This is where you can sign up for AP Driving School is state approved a professional driving school that can patiently teach you as you go on your first adventures on the road. Do not be afraid to seek out the help of professionals, especially with something as important as driving.




Step 6: The Actual Driving Test

Practice makes perfect so make sure to take your time before going for an actual road test.  The road test is by far the most important hurdle that you need to pass in order to get your California driver’s license. Once you set a schedule with DMV, you would need to present the following on the day of your test – your learner’s permit, proof of registration and insurance for the vehicle you will be using, and signed approval from your parents or guardian if you are taking the test and under 18. If you had enough practice, the test would just be easy for you. Of course, they will check your basic driving skills, your ability to maneuver on the road, and road rules and safety. It is important that you mastered the handling of the steering wheel, changing lanes, and checking rearview and side mirrors. It is also vital that you showcase good driving behavior, confidence, and courtesy on the road.

Step 7: Finally, Your Much-Awaited Drivers License

You will pretty much know right after the driving test if you’ve passed or not. It is just the best feeling when the DMV guy would congratulate. Once you pass, you will have your license mailed to you. You will have 12 months of the provisional period, wherein you cannot drive without a licensed driver who is over 25 in the car. Plus, you cannot have anyone in your car under the age of 20 unless the licensed driver is with you as well. Lastly, you cannot drive from 11 pm to 5 am during the period. Remember that having a California driver’s license means you need to be responsible and careful on the road at all times.