Join Behind the Wheel Driving Lessons with AP Driving

Most adults in the United States drive to work every day. Students with a driver’s license do the same, and many teenagers are keen on enjoying the privilege. Driving is a set of complex skills that require attention, along with an awareness of the risks involved. It is a serious business that shouldn’t be taken for granted. Knowing how to drive professionally will make everyone feel secure. It’s not the same as riding a bike. A bicycle has two wheels and does not occupy as much space on the road as a vehicle with four wheels. The speeds a car can achieve could be lethal. The best way to learn how to drive is to experience it and to have proper instruction from trained professionals.

There are a lot of driving schools competing for the attention of parents and their teen child who wants to get a driver’s license. The best school should provide a behind the wheel training experience that not only helps them acquire a license but also a responsible road user. AP Driving offers the best behind the wheel driving lessons in town. What are the benefits of enrolling in AP Driving?


Receive lessons from highly trained professionals

Anyone can learn how to ride a bicycle. This is not true with driving a car. Learning how to drive systematically is the best way to develop the necessary skills and the right behavior on the road. The essentials of driving a vehicle can be taught to a teenager by anyone who knows how to drive. But, learning these skills from a driving school gives a young person a huge advantage. The curriculum of AP driving school curriculum cover skills other than the essentials of piloting a motor vehicle. This driving school offer lessons on traffic rules and regulations, basic vehicle troubleshooting, and may even provide assistance to new drivers who are trying to gain a license to drive.


Learn specific driving skills from certified training instructors

Behind-the-wheel lessons develop a number of skills and improve the confidence of a young driver. Many traffic accidents are caused by driver error and lack of skill. The instructors from AP driving school make sure to provide the experience a new driver would learn from. Mastery of specific skills is the end goal of driving programs. Driving skills, parking methods, and maneuvering techniques in different road conditions some of the specific skills included in the teaching program. A free online driver’s ed is also included in the driving packages offered by the school.

Develop a keen sense of road safety with formal instruction

Keen attention to road safety. Perhaps, this one of the most important benefits of receiving behind-the-wheel training at a driving school. Students are drilled by their instructors to hone their defensive driving skills. In addition, they are given adequate guidance so that they can avoid deadly mistakes. Under the supervision of qualified instructors, new drivers are alerted to situations that could possibly cause an accident on the road. By knowing how to prevent the worst from happening, a new driver’s actions could end up saving many lives. By enrolling in AP Driving School, one can learn the discipline of learning how to drive safely and responsibly.


Observe traffic rules and driving etiquette

Disregard for traffic rules and regulations is one of the common causes of road mishaps. Driving school instructors would always remind their students to observe these laws. If a family friend or relative is on the instructor’s seat, the importance of traffic laws may not be given a similar emphasis. The habit of abiding by traffic rules would serve any driver well as they gain more experience driving by themselves. It has been shown in studies that driver training programs help decrease the number of fatal crashes.

Driving etiquette is a key component of formal training. When you are on the road you are sharing the space with other drivers and pedestrians. Sometimes, domestic animals and wildlife would be part of the equation. Moreover, there are various infrastructures to watch out for. On top of existing traffic laws, a good driver should observe driving etiquette, and save oneself from the hassles and dangers of road rage. AP Driving offers free online ed course with driving package of your choice.

Learn useful skills on vehicle troubleshooting and maintenance

Would informal instruction give you the means to know if a car has an engine problem? Maybe not. An added bonus for students under formal driver training is the inclusion of lessons on vehicle maintenance. If you have a new car wouldn’t you want to know how it works? You can have bragging rights if you can identify the things under the hood of your car. Your gang would think more highly of you if you can get a car that wouldn’t start the needed boost. By enrolling in a driving school like AP Driving that offers behind-the-wheel training, a new driver develops many skills.

Confidence on the road

If you have a certification that says you have completed a driving course, wouldn’t you feel more confident? It would make sense that someone with hours of behind-the-wheel lessons, under the mentorship of a professional, can be considered a well-rounded driver. The hard work you have invested would give you the confidence you need to roll out without anyone giving you guidance.

Traffic Signs

Top 5 Traffic Violations in CA and How to Avoid Them

Traffic laws are set to ensure that individuals and families are always safe out there on the road. There are times when traffic rules and regulations are not followed, making it the reason for accidents and road mishaps. It is crucial that all who operate a vehicle has mastered road safety and traffic rules. For first time drivers, knowing these rules by heart is equally important as the driving itself.

If this will be your first time to drive, do not be intimidated on learning all these traffic rules as it is your responsibility as a driver. There are so many things to know but no matter how overwhelming they are, remember that each law is essential and you would need to know them even if you will not always encounter it daily. If in case that you will commit a traffic violation in the future, keep in mind that this will be a lesson learned along the way. A violation will remind you not to commit the same mistake again.

The state of California requires a mastery of road safety and regulations before you can be issued a license. It would be great to know the most common traffic violations committed in the state not only because it is vital to know them, but also so you will see how you can avoid committing them. Each state has a list of their common road violations, and they also might be similar to California’s list so read on to know about them. Cruising through California traffic will not be so bad if you know that you are not violating any laws on the road.




One of the most common violations, if not the most common in California and for the rest of the country is speeding. The speed limit is often violated because there are so many limits set across different types of roads and neighborhoods. For instance, there is a set maximum speed limit in freeways or main roads, but of course, the moment you enter into a village, the speed limit changes. There is also a different allowable driving speed near schools, churches, construction zones or populated communities. Of course, when you know all speed limits across different areas, you will find it easier to avoid a traffic violation.

California is such a vast state, and it would be so much fun to drive around especially if it’s your first time to get a license. You must note that whenever you go on a road trip, speed limits change in major highways or for instance, inroads that become winding and steep. Make sure you check all the speed limit signs that are seen on the roads. Of course, it helps that before going somewhere unfamiliar, read up on allowable speed limit so you can avoid the dreaded ticket.

Aside from staying alert on the road signs, memorize the speed limit in areas you will be driving to every day. This is the best way you can avoid the speeding ticket. Remember, California traffic violation tickets do not come cheap. You are to pay a hefty fine each time, especially if you have several tickets already. But the penalty should not be the leading cause of concern of course. It is essential to avoid speeding as it will help your life, your passenger’s, and everyone else with you on the road.   


Beating the Red Light

One of the most critical but most common traffic violations in California is beating the red light. It is extremely dangerous as beating the red light always happens in intersections and almost always results in car collisions. Some drivers also tend to speed up upon seeing the yellow traffic light in hopes of still getting across and the end up crossing the moment the light turns red, resulting in beating the red light.

It is effortless to avoid beating the red light. One of the ways to prevent this is to familiarize yourself with the traffic lights you encounter when you take the same roads every day. If you know that a particular traffic light immediately turns red after 20 seconds, slow down when you know the green light will soon turn yellow. If you are in unfamiliar territory, better slow down on intersections or ease off your accelerator even if the sun is still green, so you would not end up being caught in between the yellow and red traffic light.

In the split second that you are cruising and the light suddenly turns yellow, and you have a decision to speed up or stop, always be on the safe side and choose to stay. Being delayed for a few minutes to your destination is better than getting into an accident or getting a traffic ticket.



Would you believe that tailgating is one of the more common traffic violations in California? If you think that there is no such thing as driving too close, then think again. It is illegal to drive too close to a car in front of you for so many obvious reasons. The most apparent is that a sudden brake from the car in front of you would result in one or multiple collisions. California traffic encourages all drivers to practice the principles of defensive driving, one of which is to maintain a safe distance from the car in front of you. The recommended distance is around 5 seconds, enough time for you to react or brake safely just in case the vehicle in front of you suddenly stops.  

Unsafe Lane Change

Getting caught changing from one lane to the other inroads where this is not allowed warrants a traffic violation in California. This is one of the most common violations in the state which can easily be avoided. If not in an emergency, remember to stay on your lane and do not keep changing lanes because you are in a hurry. If the car in front of you is too slow, you can change lanes safely if the road permits you to.

Railroad Crossing Violations

Another common traffic violation is not doing a proper stop at a railroad crossing. You need to be a certain number of feet away and make a full stop to ensure safe passage. You would be amazed at how many violations there are because of the failure to know what must be done when there is a railroad sign. To avoid it, remember the basic – stop, look and listen before going across.